Food and Agricultural Competence Center

  • July 28, 2022
Food and Agricultural Competence Center

The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has charged the German-Emirati Joint Council of Industry & Commerce (AHK) with establishing a “Competence Center for Food and Agriculture” for the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, and Iraq. The objective of the competence centre is to promote economic cooperation in the sector of food and agricultural products between Germany and the five specified Gulf states. By providing de minimis financial assistance, the BMEL is able to provide the services of the competence centre at a discounted price to German businesses.

The competence centre was established as an information, network, and advisory platform, as well as a contact point for the agricultural engineering, beverages, confectionery and sugar confectionery, fruit & vegetables, grain / oilseeds / milled products, meat / cattle / fish, other food, delicatessen industries / Organic / convenience food, milk / cheese / eggs, as well as baked goods and pasta industries.

The competency center’s primary responsibilities include:

Creation of market transparency (data collection, analysis, and dissemination) for German firms.

Assistance for German businesses in the areas of market knowledge and market entrance.

Market promotion of German agriculture technologies and food (events, activities, projects).

Platform for communication and interaction with local partners (network, exchange) and database growth.