F&B Distributors Make New Partnership with Estonia

  • Dec. 14, 2022
F&B Distributors Make New Partnership with Estonia

The United Arab Emirates is one of Estonia's most important markets for its worldwide growth. The objective of the Systematic Exports to the UAE Program is to provide assistance to Estonian food and beverage businesses in their efforts to expand their exports and their commercial operations in the UAE. It has been developed to concentrate on the Food, Beverage, and Ingredients sectors, and it is one of the major programs that Enterprise Estonia is implementing throughout the globe. This is the third and final flight of the program, with the first two being completed without incident in the years 2020 and 2021 respectively. NIFOR Ltd. has been given the responsibility of designing and putting the program into action for the UAE from the year 2020. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Systematic Export is made possible thanks to funding from the European Union's European Regional Development Fund.

Within the framework of this program, NIFOR provides eight selected Estonian food and beverage businesses with individualized coaching to help them become export ready for the market in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This coaching takes the form of a systematic and comprehensive set of individual consultations and group seminars that cover as their primary topics the opportunities presented by the UAE food and beverage market; in-depth market entry strategies; regulatory compliance schemes; and the marketing and media environment in the UAE. The business culture and etiquette of the UAE will also be covered in this program, along with introductory information regarding prominent UAE potential distribution partners. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with these partners and discuss meaningful collaborations, which will allow Estonian businesses to break into the market in the UAE with their products. Every business is handled as if it were a unique situation, and they are given coaching that is both practical and step-by-step so that they may think and prepare as effectively as possible before entering the market.

The final phase of the Systematic Exports Program 2022 will involve eight selected Estonian businesses going on individual market trips to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While there, they will meet with potential partners based in the UAE and visit relevant retail outlets in the UAE to gain first-hand experience and insights into the market. The dates for the visits have been determined for the period beginning on January 16, 2023 and ending on February 10, 2023.