Dubai is the venue of the prestigious UAE semifinal of The Dates Connection – the Gourmet Contest organized by HOSTMilano and TUTTOFOOD

  • March 25, 2023
Dubai is the venue of the prestigious UAE semifinal of The Dates Connection – the Gourmet Contest organized by HOSTMilano and TUTTOFOOD

• Thanks to the support of the Emirates Culinary Guild and the UAE Restaurant Group, 34 chefs

from the United Arab Emirates participated in the pre-selections, creating 38 innovative recipes

using on dates

• The 3 semi-finalists who emerged from the pre-selections challenged each other today: Chef

Michael Kitts of The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management; Chef Chanaka Sankalpa Petris,

of Pullmann Hotel Dubai Deira City Center and Chef Grant Marais, of Gates Hospitality.

• The path to the semi-finals includes one more stage in Italy in April. The final will be held in Milan during TUTTOFOOD in a still top-secret location, while the award ceremony will be held at TUTTOFOOD Milano.

A new prestigious stage has been added to the path outlined between East and West by The Dates Connection, the contest promoted by HostMilano and TUTTOFOOD – the two leading Italian hospitality and food & beverage exhibitions– dedicated to the most innovative, date-based recipes developed by international chefs. The best of the gourmet Gulf competes in Dubai Today, the glittering and hyper-modern city hosted the national semi-final of this even which enhances the ingredient’s potential and creativity also through the use of the most innovative technologies.
