Introducing connectivity in food processing

  • Nov. 1, 2022
Introducing connectivity in food processing

Gulfood is aware that in order for food processors to be successful in today's business, they need to be flexible as well as efficient in order to properly satisfy the need of consumers. They are driven to create robotic, automated, and digital solutions by the issues that you, as a food processor, face. These solutions are intended to assist enhance your raw material usage, throughput, and sustainability while reducing your reliance on human labor.

At Gulfood, they will emphasize the critical role that connection plays in the goal of modernizing food processing and present some of the most forward-thinking technologies that may assist you in standing out from the rest of the pack in your industry.

Marel provides the whole spectrum of food processing, from primary to secondary processing, from primary to secondary processing, and from single-skill machines to integrated systems. This is true regardless of the scale of your operations. Connect with Gulfood, where the team of specialists from Marel, AACE, ROOTS, and Star Foods will be ready to discuss the unique requirements of your firm as well as give assistance and support on the implementation of smarter systems.

Those interested in seeing live and remote demonstrations of cutting, portioning, slicing, and inspecting solutions are encouraged to pay them a visit at the nearest location.