Arla Foods Ingredients Emphasizes the Increasing Importance of Protein Quality to Consumers

  • April 12, 2023
Arla Foods Ingredients Emphasizes the Increasing Importance of Protein Quality to Consumers

Arla Foods Ingredients emphasizes the increasing importance of protein quality to consumers


As it introduces a new brand for its line of microparticulated whey proteins, Arla Foods Ingredients emphasizes the expanding consumer concentration on nutrient quality.

Recent research indicates that nearly 70 percent of consumers are concerned with the sources of protein in food and beverages, with naturalness and nutritional value as the primary motivators.1 In addition, 36% of those who are interested in protein indicate that a complete protein source is the most essential criterion when choosing between products.

Arla Foods Ingredients offers a line of whey proteins based on patented microparticulation technology to help meet this growing demand. It is now known as Nutrilac® ProteinBoost and offers a variety of benefits that satisfy the requirements of both manufacturers and health-conscious consumers.

Complete protein sources, the ingredients in the spectrum contain all nine essential amino acids. In addition, they are simple to incorporate into food and beverage products and offer an indulgent texture and delicate dairy flavor.

Katrine Helene Fruergaard Holm, Global Industry Marketing Manager at Arla Foods Ingredients, stated, "Protein is the nutrient of choice for many health-conscious consumers, and for years, manufacturers responded by incorporating as much protein as possible into their products. However, consumers are becoming increasingly concerned not only with consuming more protein, but also with consuming the appropriate protein. They desire comprehensive proteins that provide all the essential amino acids required for a well-balanced diet, as well as products with an excellent flavor and texture. Nutrilac® ProteinBoost is the best source of complete protein due to its combination of practical benefits and high nutritional value.

To demonstrate how Nutrilac® solutions can help manufacturers meet the demand for high-quality protein, Arla Foods Ingredients is hosting a virtual protein seminar for manufacturers. The concentration will be on four categories:

Nutrilac® ProteinBoost is suitable for high-protein ice cream, where it can contribute up to 15% protein and impart a neutral dairy flavor.

Nutrilac® ProteinBoost can impart a high protein content, low viscosity, high solubility, and a delightful texture to imbibing yogurts.

Nutrilac® ProteinBoost can be used to produce spoonable yoghurts with increased viscosity and stability, in addition to a very high protein content.

High-protein dairy morsels are a format that is growing in popularity. Nutrilac® solutions can help them retain their flavor, shape, and texture over an extended shelf life.